Annual Reporting and Financial statements NGO Te Protejo

Te Protejo is a non-profit organization, officially established in Chile and governed by the rules of the Civil Code and the Law of Associations and Citizen Participation in Public Management of the country, for this reason, every year it presents a Report and financial statements for public knowledge.
Our organization was established in 2015 in the El Monte, a town near Santiago, Chile. Its founders are Camila Cortínez, Daniela Medina and Nicole Valdebenito, who at that time decided to form this non-profit Corporation, in order to “Promote the use of cosmetics and personal products not tested on animals and other respectful initiatives with the environment and animals.
Every year, the Board of Directors in office presents to its members and volunteers the Annual Report, Financial Statements and performs an evaluation of the previous year at the Annual Assembly of Members of NGO Te Protejo.
Below you can download the history of reports and financial statements of the organization.
*Mind these reports are made in Spanish
Annual Report NGO Te Protejo 2018
Annual Report NGO Te Protejo 2019
Annual Report NGO Te Protejo 2020
Financial Statements Te Protejo 2018
Financial Statements Te Protejo 2019
Financial Statements Te Protejo 2020
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