post |Publicado el 22-07-2024


See the impact of our organisation in 2023.

During 2023, our NGO went through an extremely challenging year like never before.

We faced funding challenges that forced us to look at the possibility of closing operations and ending our work for animals. Facing this difficult scenario, we looked at ways to build more support for our work for laboratory animals, focusing on strengthening our Advocacy actions.

Our NGO against all odds managed to maintain its work, focusing in all four areas, generating high-impact results in Awareness, Alliances, Certifications, and Advocacy areas.

As a result, we managed to stay active and continue to fulfil our mission to promote the use of cruelty-free products and other initiatives that are kind to nature and animals, these are our results:

♥ 127,646 visits to Cruelty Free brand listing in our website.

♥ 1,434,152 people reached on RRSS NGO Te Protejo.

♥ 300 direct press mentions of our work in Latin America.

♥ 17% of the brands on the Cruelty Free lists in Latin America are certified by Te Protejo.

♥ We managed to ban animal testing for cosmetics in Chile.

If you want to know more about our areas of work, we invite you to visit the About Us section of our website or write to us at [email protected].